Man, that title makes me think of Dr. Seuss.
It's taken a while to get this blog thing up and running. It got started with for a work project. Some reading about blogs was needed before starting one. Luckily there happened to be a book on my local library shelf:
I need to work on my iPad photo skills. |
Blog, Inc.: Blogging for Passion, Profit, and to Create Community by Joy Deangdeelert Cho.
It was written by a professional blogger; though it was geared towards people who want to eventually blog for money, it has some great tips on getting started. The author salted the book with interviews from other professional bloggers about their experience and tips on blogging.
Besides the getting started tips, it had some good information about legal issues that crop up, some behind the scenes issues that new bloggers run into, unique content, and some details about what all the lingo is about (RSS Feed, Permalink, Tags, etc.).
The end result from will hopefully be a better understanding of how a blog works and how to customize it. Additionally becoming more literate about the iPad and having a better communication of technology with the patrons at the library.
The convenience of the Blogger app for iPad is nice but the range of function on a computer is so much better.
Welcome to the process!! I look forward to completing this program together as a staff.